Non Profit Insurance
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Non Profit Insurance Information
Non-Profits face essentially the same exposures that their For-Profit counterparts face plus some additional exposures. Non-Profits may provide direct care for others, offer advice, administer medications, or serve more vulnerable populations. Each non-profit organization is unique in the type of client they serve as well as the type and level of services they offer. While some may work to preserve wildlife, others may care for the elderly, for children, for those with drug or alcohol dependency, or the homeless. A Non-Profit needs to assess their exposures and their need for Professional Liability coverage as well as Physical/Sexual Abuse coverage.
How can the securing right coverage help?
Nonprofits often function on a tight budget. Brookfield/Badger Insurance offers more options for our clients. More options means being able to offer better value in terms of broader coverage and lower costs. This allows us to offer better value to our clients. Rather then offering one solution, we can show you several options and allow you to select the best insurance program for you. Also, because of our experience, we can help you to prioritize which exposures you should focus on and why.
What types of insurance should a nonprofit get?
There are many lines of coverage for nonprofits. Here are some common types of nonprofit insurance. Keep in mind this is a list of the different types. Because every nonprofit is different, we can help you determine which coverage best fits your needs.
- General liability insurance protects against injury and property damage to third parties. Third parties can include visitors, customers, suppliers or independent contractors. Employees are often covered separately by worker’s compensation.
- Property insurance protects your assets in the event of a fire, disaster or vandalism (usually direct physical loss). These assets can include the building, fixtures, equipment, machinery, furniture, computers, inventory and supplies.
- Crime Insurance protects your non-profit from theft by employees , theft of cash, forgery, computer fraud, etc. These exposures are real and significant.
- Auto insurance covers injuries from an accident involving your staff or volunteers using any car, including their own, for nonprofit activities.
- Product liability insurance protects your nonprofit in the event of a lawsuit claiming your product is unsafe or defective and caused injuries as a result.
- Directors and officers insurance protects the members of your board of directors, employees, volunteers, and your officers in the event of a lawsuit alleging fraud or financial mismanagement or litigation over management decisions.
- Professional liability insurance protects against claims of injury caused because your actions were not up to professional standards. Examples are counseling, dispensing medications, not providing appropriate care, or following the Plan of Care.
- Physical or Sexual Abuse covers allegations that your Non-Profit did not supervise employees or volunteers, or did not screen those that came into contact with vulnerable clients.
- Workers’ Compensation compensates employees for medical expenses and lost wages after an on-the-job injury. In Wisconsin, Worker's Compensation does not apply to injuries to volunteers.
- Employment Practices Liability covers the firm and it's management for allegations or wrongful termination, harassment, and discrimination of employees.
- Umbrella Policy covers excess liability over your General Liability, Professional Liability, Physical/Sexual Abuse coverage, Automobile Liability, and the Employer's Liability section of your Worker's Compensation policy.
Let's get started today! We have a lot to talk about!
Contact us for a customized evaluation of your nonprofit’s needs. We will search for the right coverage to fit your needs and budget so you can keep working to serve your clients and the community.